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Version: v5


Development server

We are using Vite to power our playground, which caches all the built @rjsf/* distributions. In order to test the playground locally after a new clone or fresh pull from main, run the following from the root directory of the monorepo:

npm install
npm run build
cd packages/playground
npm start

This will start the live development server showcasing components at localhost:8080.

Whenever you make changes to source code, stop the running playground and return to the root directory and rerun npm run build. Thanks to nx caching, this should only rebuild what is necessary. After the build is complete, return to the root of the playground and restart the server via npm start.

First time step

If this is the first time you have cloned the repo, run the npm run prepare script that will set up husky to provide a git precommit hook that will format and lint any code you have added to a PR.

Optional development process

With the large number of packages, sometimes running npm run build or npm start from the root directory will overwhelm an underpowered computer. If that is the situation for you, you can instead use npm run build-serial to build the packages one at a time instead of all at once. Also, if you are only working on one package, you can npm run build and npm run test from within the subdirectory. Finally, you can simply npm start inside of the playground directory to test changes if you have already built all of your packages, without needing to watch all of the packages via the root directory npm start.

Cloud builds

When building in environments with limited memory, such as Netlify, it's recommended to use npm run build-serial that builds the packages serially.

Coding style

All the JavaScript/Typescript code in this project conforms to the prettier coding style. Code is automatically prettified upon commit using precommit hooks, assuming you followed the First time step above.

You can also run npm cs-format within any package directory you are changing.


We use Docusaurus to build our documentation. To run documentation locally, run:

cd packages/docs
npm start

Documentation will be served on localhost:3000.


You can run all tests from the root directory OR from packages subdirectory using the following command:

npm run test

Snapshot testing

All the themes, including core use snapshot testing (NOTE: core also has extensive non-snapshot tests). The source-code of these snapshot tests reside in the core package in the testSnap directory and are shared with all the themes. In order to support the various themes, the code for the tests are actually functions that take two parameters:

  • Form: ComponentType<FormProps> - The component from the theme implementation
  • [customOptions]: { [key: string]: TestRendererOptions } - an optional map of react-test-renderer TestRendererOptions implementations that some themes need to be able properly run

There are functions in the testSnap directory: arrayTests, formTests and objectTests, each with its own definition of customOptions

Each theme will basically run these functions by creating a Xxx.test.tsx file (where Xxx is Array, Form or Object) that looks like the following:

import { arrayTests } from '@rjsf/snapshot-tests'; // OR
// import { formTests } from '@rjsf/snapshot-tests';
// import { objectTests } from '@rjsf/snapshot-tests';

import Form from '../src';

arrayTests(Form); // OR
// formTests(Form);
// objectTests(Form);

Anytime you add a new feature, be sure to update the appropriate xxxTests() function in the testSnap directory and do npm run test from the root directory to update all the snapshots. If you add a theme-only feature, it is ok to update the appropriate Xxx.test.tsx file to add (or update) the theme-specific describe() block. For example:

import { RJSFSchema, UiSchema } from '@rjsf/utils';
import { arrayTests } from '@rjsf/snapshot-tests';

import Form from '../src';


describe('Theme specific tests', () => {
it('test a theme-specific option', () => {
const schema: RJSFSchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
name: {
type: 'string',
const uiSchema: UiSchema = {
// Enable the theme specific feature
const tree = renderer.create(<Form schema={schema} uiSchema={uiSchema} validator={validator} />).toJSON();

See the antd Form.test.tsx for a specific example of this.

Code coverage

Code coverage reports are currently available only for the @rjsf/core theme package. They are generated using nyc each time the npm test-coverage script is run. The full report can be seen by opening ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html.

Utils and validator-ajvX code coverage

100% code coverage is required by the @rjsf/utils and @rjsf/validator-ajv6 and @rjsf/validator-ajv8 tests. If you make changes to those libraries, you will have to maintain that coverage, otherwise the tests will fail.

NOTE: All three of these directories share the same tests for verifying validator based APIs. See the documentation in the getTestValidator() functions for more information.


To release, go to the main branch (NOT a fork) and then create a new branch with the version number (with an rc prefix instead of v). For instance if you are about to create the new 5.100.10 branch, then you would run the following commands:

git checkout -b rc5.100.10
git push
npx lerna version
npm run post-versioning

Make sure you use semver for version numbering when selecting the version. The npx lerna version command will create a new version tag and push it to GitHub.

The npm run post-versioning script will update the peer dependencies in all of the packages/*/package.json files if necessary. It will then clean up the node_modules directories and rerun npm install to update the package-lock.json files. Finally, it creates and pushes a new commit with those package.json and package-lock.json files up to GitHub.

NOTE: this command will take a while, be patient

Then, make a PR to main. Merge the PR into main -- make sure you use "merge commit", not squash and merge, so that the original commit where the tag was based on is still present in the main branch.

Then, create a release in the GitHub "Releases" tab, select the new tag that you have added, and add a description of the changes in the new release. You can copy the latest changelog entry in to make the release notes, and update as necessary.

This will trigger a GitHub Actions pipeline that will build and publish all packages to npm.

The package is published through an automation token belonging to the rjsf-bot user on npm. This token is stored as the NPM_TOKEN secret on GitHub Actions.

Releasing docs

Docs are automatically published to GitHub Pages when the main branch is updated.

We are currently in the process of automatically configuring versionable documentation on our new docs site.

Releasing the playground

The playground automatically gets deployed from GitHub Pages.

If you need to manually publish the latest playground to, though, run:

cd packages/playground
npm run publish-to-gh-pages