Advanced Customization
Advanced customization documentation for react-jsonschema-form.
📄️ Custom Templates
This is an advanced feature that lets you customize even more aspects of the form:
📄️ Custom Themes
The withTheme component provides an easy way to extend the functionality of react-jsonschema-form by passing in a theme object that defines custom/overridden widgets and fields, as well as any of the other possible properties of the standard rjsf Form component. This theme-defining object is passed as the only parameter to the HOC (withTheme(ThemeObj)), and the HOC will return a themed-component which you use instead of the standard Form component.
📄️ Custom Widgets and Fields
The API allows to specify your own custom widget and field components:
📄️ Internals
Miscellaneous internals of react-jsonschema-form are listed here.