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Version: v5

AntD Customization


You can customize the look of the form by passing options to Ant-Design theme fields.

The formContext antd object accepts descriptionLocation, readonlyAsDisabled properties.

descriptionLocation can be 'below' | 'tooltip', the default is 'below' which places the description below the form item. You can set it to tooltip that put the description inside the tooltip. Note that you should have antd 4.7+ to use 'tooltip'.

Setting {readonlyAsDisabled: false} on the formContext will make the antd theme treat readOnly fields as disabled.

descriptionLocation: 'tooltip',
readonlyAsDisabled: false,
// other props...

These are the formContext properties that you can modify to adjust the antd presentation:

  • descriptionLocation: Where to display the description, either 'below' or 'tooltip', defaults to 'below'
  • readonlyAsDisabled: Whether to make the antd theme treat readOnly fields as disabled, defaults to true

Using Antd v5 theme

You can use AntD v5 styling by wrapping your application with StyleProvider from @ant-design/cssinjs.

By default, @rjsf/antd components are using the v4 styling.

import { StyleProvider } from '@ant-design/cssinjs';

const Component = () => {
return (
<YourFormComponents />